Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 13: Dad's Lucky Number...

...is 13.  The boys were each 13 inches long when they were born, and so it seems fitting that today on their 13th day of life we share some good news on the boys.  We found out today that at this point, both boys' PDA is closed (or has a very tiny opening like Aiden), and therefore will not require the surgical ligation.  We will remain cautiously optimistic about this, and the fact that since their fluids are increasing, the potential exists for the PDA to open up again.  If so, the ligation may be required.  But again, it is the most common surgery performed on preemies.

Aiden has been tolerating is food, but had a bit of residual after one of his feedings, so they decreased the amount of food in one of his feedings, and as a result had no residual.  Food intake was upped back to the original dosage.  Aiden and Jack continue to receive approx. .5 oz of food per day.

Christie changed Jackson's diaper today for the first time!  And, I caught it all on film.  It is posted below.  Beware, there is sound and I believe the nurse says 'penis' so if you are at work, you may not want to have the volume turned up.  I'm just sayin'.

Both Jackson and Aiden were under the lights again today to lower their rubin levels.  Have a feeling Jack will be off soon though since, he's been on/off for the past week, while his big brother, has been on them everyday.


  1. That was excellent! I have to tell you that I smiled when you asked if you were hurting him lifting his butt up by his feet...I STILL worry about that!! And we learned the hard way about needing to aim the penis down...

  2. It's so good to hear that both their PDA's are closed! Keep up the good work Aiden & Jackson!

  3. That video just made me sob... and I'm about go to out to dinner, so I wish I had waited until tonight to look at this. But thank you, Jeff, for being so detailed and keeping us all up to date- this blog is amazing- and I can imagine how psychotic you've gotten with researching this stuff, because I'm online with it all the time and they're not even mine!

  4. I am glued to the next updates regarding these little fighters!!! So glad they are doing so well!!! Boys got a kick out of the "word" and his cute butt!!!

  5. Happy to hear their PDA's have closed. Christie I give you a 10 on diaper changing your a natural I'm sure it must have been tough he's so little...You have to video Jeff his first time.
