Monday, April 11, 2011

Month 3: Post #2

Still having apologies.  Will try again tomorrow...ugh.

Month 3 at Home

It's been quite a while since the last update, so here's what is going on.  Aiden does not need heria surgery.  The doc can't even find the lump, so they are going to continue watching it for the next few months.  The ROP has been completely resolved in both boys' eyes.  Our next check up is in September.  Ditto that for the Cardiologist.  So...basically that means we go to the pediatrician and no specialists. 

Aiden is now 11 lbs and Jackson 11.5!  Hard to believe isn't it?  This week was their six month birthday, and so they are having cereal for breakfast and they love it!  I took a video of Aiden eating it, which I will post.  Here are some pics that we've taken....enjoy.

NOTE:  As I was uploading these, I ran out of space on this blog.  I purchased more and it should be added by Monday night.  I have more pictures and a couple videos to add, so check back!  Sorry.