Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 10: Trophic Feeds

It is working out well visiting the boys right after work.  A 10 minute drive from parking lot to parking lot and I'm there.  Not bad at all.  Even though it's been only 2 days back to work, I feel like seeing them is part of my daily routine, and it would not be complete without a visit.

I have to say that I am overly impressed by the care and attention they are getting at Sisters.  Over the past 10 days, our lives have been completely altered with monumental changes and events taking place, and the staff in the NICU has made all of the changes as bearable and easy to take as they possibly could have.  Each nurse has a special bond with them, as do Christie and I.  There is no doubt in my mind that they are in the best possible place that they can be, and that is how I can sleep at night.  We can't sit up and worry ourselves sick over something we have no control over.  The only things that we can do to help our boys is to take care of ourselves by resting and not getting sick, and pumping the breast milk.  It is hard not to constantly google every medical term and obsess about what the next obstacle is, but we have to be strong for the boys.  They are being so strong themselves.  The nurses have told us a million times that the only time we should be concerned is when they are concerned.  So, trusting them with my boys' lives, I trust that their judgement is more than correct.

Aiden was under the lights again today because his rubin levels are still high.  He's still over 4, and 1 is about where it should be.  However, since he is getting older, the tolerable rubin level also increases, so in essence, he may not have to get down to level 1 in order to move off of the lights.  He is getting his last dose of indocin tomorrow night I believe, with a follow up echo on Sunday to see if that valve fully closed.  We are crossing our fingers for that.  If all goes well, he will start his trophic feeds Monday.

Jackson opened his eyes when I was talking to him today as if to tell me he recognizes my voice.  His eyes were opened the widest I have seen them.  He started trophic feeds today and is getting 2ml over 1hr time every 3 hrs of colostrum.  The trophic feeds are conducted over a 7 day time period to prime the gut for larger feeds/doses of breast milk.  Each and every step forward has to be taken with such ease since their bodies and organs are still so immature.  A steady reading or even a small increase from day to day is a step in the right direction.  I have a sneaky suspicion that these boys are going to be pigs and stuff their mouthes full of food just like their father.  Jackson also gained another ounce today, so he has officially surpassed his birth weight.  He is now 1lb 11oz!  I feel like we should have a fireworks display when they hit 2 lbs.  Seriously, I'm breaking open the champagne!  Well, maybe one of the 5 bottles of vodka I have :)

That's all for today, I will add some pictures later this evening.  Got some good shots of Aiden praying and having jazz hands.  Also, Jack's eyes are wide open!

Don't mean to jump around topics, but in case you are wondering (and I was, so I had to look it up), the amount of food Jack is getting now per day is equal to .54 ounces.  Isn't that crazy?  Little guys have to start somewhere, and with the colostrum, they are in the best position for growth.

Above:  Jackson chillin'.  "Look mom, I'm in a size 2 "big boy" blood pressure cuff!"

Above:  Aiden praying!  "Our Father Who art in Heaven...Please bless me and my brother Jackson that we can be healthy and go home to mommy & daddy soon!" 

Above:  Aiden with some "spirit fingers" or "jazz hands!"  Already showing his personality!

Above:  Mom holding Jackson as he sucks his little fingers.

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