Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 44: The air is better up here

Jackson's bed was upgraded to a 'big' boy isolette yesterday.  Since he is no longer on the vent, and is now in the 3lb Club, and no longer needs the top of his isolette to come off, it was time to move to the next size.  The beds with the removable tops are usually reserved for smaller babies.  Jackson also started 'sprinting' on the high flow nasal canula yesterday, and again today.  For 3 hrs each day Jackson's CPAP mask will come off and he will get a regular oxygen tube delivering a high flow through his nose.  While kangarooing with mom yesterday he sprinted and did a stellar job!  He also did it again today, and did so well that the docs think they may try him sprinting twice each day for 3 hrs each.  He may start this tomorrow.  Mr.  Jackson also weighed in at 3lbs 1oz today, and continues to rock his feeds with the 4 extra calories and protein for growth.  Jackson also had an apnea spell while kangarooing with mom today.  Mom experienced first hand the lack of breathing, slowed heart rate, and had to give him some pats on the back to get him going again.  Ugh, I hope these next few weeks fly by so they have grown out of these spells.  Jackson got occupational therapy today focusing on bringing his hands to his mouth and sucking on the pacifier.  He did awesome!

Aiden also made some improvements: he got rid of a great deal of the fluid he was retaining, 3oz to be exact.  As of last night, he weighed in at 3lbs 1oz.  Aiden's vent settings decreased to 30 breaths per minute from the vent yesterday, and again, today, the vent was changed to 25 breaths per minute.  His O2 concentration was also down under 30%.  He's trying out a new machine that the hospital is interested in purchasing.  The machine takes a real time and lapsed time view of CO2 concentration in your body.  If you've read previous entries, you may recall me mentioning blood gases and the levels of CO2 measured in them.  Aiden for example, being on the vent and needing to be weaned off, his CO2 settings need to be in the low 50 range for a change to be made.  Blood gases are determined by drawing blood via heel prick in their foot and then measured.  If the machine works out, no blood will be needed, since it is measured with a lead on his side.  Pretty cool stuff.  Aiden also got physcial therapy today, and loved it!  He's been sucking away on this tube, so we're hoping within the next few days that he gets extubated and begins taking a pacifier.  He wants it!

New pictures below

Above:  Jackson with nasal canula.  You can see his face!

Above:  Jackson in his new house

Above: Jackson with pacifier

Above:  Jackson in new house again

Above:  All of Mr. Aiden

1 comment:

  1. Great progress!! Love Jackson's house and the pic of Aiden's foot...gorgeous babies.
