Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 27: Sharing a room...

Just a quick update for today....

Aiden moved next to his brother today in the NICU!  Both boys are now on the same side of the room, Aiden with a window seat, and Jackson next to the room entrance.  Christie was able to kanagroo both boys today - awesome!  I was not there so we did not get any pictures.  I am planning to jump into the kanagroo rotation sometime this week, so I'm pretty thrilled.  Aiden is up to 17 ml and is considered to be on "full feeds" just like his brother.  Aiden's only source of nutrition is mom's milk and all of his meds are administered orally, which means - you guess it, his picc line is out as well.

Neither Jackson or Aiden were under the lights today, so when I got there, they were both looking at me with eyes wide open.  It was a great surprise.  Both boys also got their official membership to the 2lb club: new signs for their isolettes.  Take a look!

Above:  Aiden (left) and Jackson (right)
Their isolettes are covered to keep out the light.


  1. What great news!!! Glad they have made it into the 'Club'. Keep fighting!!

  2. Dear Kosick Clan,

    Grampa Tom filled me in on how you two have been "twice blessed". Congratulations and your boys will be in our family prayers for a life that's rich and full with their two loving parents.

    Your friends,
    The Coltons, Dawn, Glenn, Lizzie & Adam & Bella
